My fashion obsession of the moment : flare pants

Tame Impala - Mind Mischief Sapphire from my favorite movie Almost Famous. My main inspiration for flare pants !  Those pants were a big thing in the 60's and the 70's. They were made in various fabrics : jean, tissu, velvet and even in lace ! I love these pants, I've always dreamt to have one but you couldn't easily find one at a cheap price since most of the time they were vintage but now they're making a huge

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My fashion inspiration : 60's and 70's groupies

The Mamas and the Papas - String man For my first post I decided to talk about my main fashion/life/ inspiration : groupies ! I've always been a music lover. Music always had a influence in my life and basically everything I do has something to do with music. I've always been worshipping bands and musiciens, I've always wanted to be part of the music world.  I discovered the whole groupie thing a few years ago with a documentary on

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Hi !!!

Hi everyone ! My name is Camille and I'm 20 years old, I love fashion music and cinema. After running a Tumblr for about 4 years now I decided to create my own "real" blog ! Since I'm going to study fashion next year I thought it would be great to start a blog where I could post my work, my inspiration and also my looks. I'm french but I'll only write in english and also because one of my

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